January 29, 2007

directors' note (a conversation)

Have you ever heard anyone talk about building the boat while you're sailing it? That's what we've been doing with this play. The best way to figure out what the play is "about" is to just start building it! But, of course, certain things have to get done on deadline and one of them is the program. Since the directors had to come up with a note to put in the program, we started talking about the play (over email) and I think we discovered some important things by talking about it.

So, for your enjoyment, here's what we came up with! (Not surprisingly, it's also in the form of a conversation!)


DIRECTORS' NOTE (a conversation)

Brian: What do you guys think the audience should know about this play?

Dan: It’s important to realize that we are America and that America—its culture and its politics, what it’s doing with the rest of the world—is our responsibility. If we have concerns with how it's going, we need to reorganize the performance.

Sita: This play is about more than America. It's about what really goes on in the minds of Americans, how we are the product of our own producing. Our “conversation” never stops, while at the same time has never really happened. After all, if we are talking to America, who will respond?

Brian: Well, I hope the audience will respond. I hope they talk to us in the hallway after the performance, or on our blog http://www.americaconversation.blgospot.com.

Serge: We’re reminding our audience of where we are and what may be happening to us. This nation was built from dreams, sweat, and blood. But now it has become, and I quote, the “land of confusion,” a gathering of all the good and bad. I just hope that those who still stand on American soil start to realize this. After all, “this land is your land, this land is my land,” right? This country is only what we make of it. What will it become and what will we be?

Brian: Maybe we can re-make it, Serge, just like we did in our performance. We took what already existed—poems, songs, and quotations created by others—and we re-ordered them, added to them, and made something new. Isn't that what American culture is all about?

Sita: I agree, Brian. American culture is a mixture of many things. And since America itself can't talk back, we should continue the conversation with each other... through the internet, art, music, etc. Expand the culture and influence one other.

Brian: Yes! Everyone, go out and create more new performances!


So, what do you think??

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